Sleep Disorder Multiplies Depression Risk

population. The data was drawn from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), an annual survey conducted by the CDC. 7 tips for the best sleep ever Six percent of men and 3% of women had received a sleep apnea diagnosis, the survey found, while 7% of men and 4% of women reported breathing problems on at least five nights per week. Depression was assessed using a standard questionnaire that asked how often during the past two weeks the participants had “little interest or pleasure in doing things” or felt “down, depressed or hopeless,” for instance. Five percent of men and 8% of women had scores indicating “probable” depression, according to the researchers.
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Sleep Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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Approximately 1% of the children met the criteria for autism. Overall, the frequency of chronic insomnia was more than ten times higher in autistic children compared to non-autistic children (39.3% v 3.6%). These children also developed more sleep problems over time, with an incidence rate at of 37.5% compared to 8.6% in the controls at age 11-13 years. Likewise, sleep problems were more persistent over time in children with autistic symptomatology, with a remission rate of only 8.3% compared to 52.4% in the control group. Despite few girls being represented in the study, the authors found that sleep problems were significantly less prevalent in girls than boys, and that their sleep problems were also more transient.
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Munchkin’s sleep disorder finally has a name

Unfortunately, his sleep disorder also comes with a second diagnosis (on top of his autism) that we will have to have nailed down as well before we will finally see some results. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the one parent that complains that their infantnever slept through the night, waking more frequently than you ever thought could be humanly possible, living on so little sleep that you thought they, (and you), would die of exhaustion. That was this mom right here. It was never uncommon for Munchkin to wake frequently then be completely done sleeping by three or four in the morning. After out latest 36-hour stint of exhaustive high energy with zero sleep, I hauled him into the doctor, again, to have a chat with his developmental pediatrician about what could possibly be wrong with my baby. He’s only *almost* three!
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Apnix Sleep Diagnostics Unveils New Options for Houston Sleep Apnea

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